February 01, 2022

Scoundrels We Choose To Bless

 Will  Wilkinson

The Noon Club

Copyright © 2022 Will Wilkinson

Scoundrels we Choose to Bless

“The true measure of any society can be found
in how it treats its most vulnerable members."
- Gandhi
The tide is turning.
A tsunami of protest (virtually un-reported in mainstream media) is surging all over the world, including in Canada – my home country – which means that something deadly serious must be afoot (since we Canadians are exceptionally polite and non-confrontational except when playing hockey or if someone tries to steal our doughnuts).
So, what’s all the fuss about? I’ll begin to explain with a story. Recently, my wife and I were visiting with two couples who’ve been best friends for forty years. Eric (not his real name) announced, “My dad just died. He was feeling pretty good, then he got vaccinated. He went blind that night. Then his organs shut down and, it was terrible, he died three days later.”
Mary (not her real name) replied, “Well, we have different viewpoints on that.”
What? I mean, what kind of response is that? She had just learned that her good friend’s father died. But she expressed no sympathy whatsoever. She immediately called out their different beliefs about vaccines. And that’s where we are now, two years down Covid alley, with friends divided by ideology.
We’ve turned family and friends into allies or enemies. Society has contracted and we live in fear, of a mysterious virus and of each other. But that’s not the real story.
Abraham Lincoln once said: “No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.” Sir Walter Scott wrote, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” Since Day One, an official narrative about all things Covid has been presented as The Truth. Anything but that story was an anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory. Two years later, that tangled web of lies is beginning to unravel. Example: remember when the virus lab leak theory was attacked as conspiracy nonsense? Now it’s one of several valid mainstream explanations.
Back at the beginning of this saga, scores of credible and highly qualified doctors /scientists / virologists immediately smelled something rotten. This dictatorial Command and Control strategy seemed highly unusual. What’s usual is called “debate” or “the scientific method,” which are not exactly controversial concepts. Traditionally, experts go into detective mode and sleuth around to discover what’s happening. They share what they find with each other, looking from different angles, and then prove/disprove until they come up with fact based and peer reviewed conclusions. No-one just says, “The butler did it, ignore all the clues!”
Instead, something truly unprecedented happened. The Truth was announced, declared with ever-cycling scripted talking points that began broadcasting relentlessly through mainstream media and government reps everywhere: “Covid is a deadly virus and only a vaccine can save us. Don’t do anything to help yourselves (no Vitamin D, no natural therapies to bolster our immune systems in prevention, etc.). Just wait with masks on, socially distance, close your businesses (local not Big) and churches (not liquor stores), don’t hug each other, and be afraid of what’s coming. For months. Then, get vaccinated, with a medicine produced in record time without adequate testing and zero liability for its makers who’ve promised to release their research data in … 75 years!”
Billions of us trusted, believed, and obeyed, even though this miracle cure would be delivered by pharmaceutical companies, the least trusted industry on the planet, fined over $30 billion for deceptive business practices over the past ten years. But, somehow, anyone who dared to question the narrative or ask about first aid was ridiculed, attacked, and de-platformed (doctors, nurses, virologist, scientists, etc.) or shunned (friends and family). And, incredibly, it worked. A veil of deception descended over the planet. One truth, The Truth … or else.
But, as Shakespeare wrote, “The truth will out.” Those who’ve remained curious enough to perform even a modicum of research outside the official sources – millions of people all over the world - are now converging on the same shattering realization: the way these vaccines are being dispensed is in clear violation of the 10 principles of the Nuremberg Code (read them here and decide for yourself). And now … the whole house of cards begins to topple.
As the truth emerges about just how much damage has been done by all this subterfuge, people will be looking for someone to blame and there will be easy targets: Fauci, the CDC, the FDA, WHO, Bill Gates, the drug companies (with their 9 new billionaires created through vaccine profits, what selfless service!), politicians, etc.
People who realize they’ve been conned want revenge and history is bloody with revolution. The ruling Romanovs faced firing squads during the Bolshevik Revolution. The storming of the Bastille began the incredibly violent French Revolution. And we’ve already had an American prelude, the January 6 attack in DC. What might be coming next, now that conspiracy theories are fast becoming spoiler alerts?
This is where you and I ride in on our white horses with a way outside-the-box strategy: We focus our Love Casting on those who’ve engineered this manufactured global catastrophe and conspired to profit from it. Why on earth would we do that? Isn’t this letting them off the hook? Nope. It’s not my job to hold them accountable. I certainly support any peaceful initiative that does exactly that but what’s mine to do is different and perhaps you will consider joining my experiment.
“Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” That’s what Jesus said as he was being crucified. Hmn, that sets the forgiveness bar pretty high! In this case, one might argue that the perpetrators do know what they’re doing. Sure, on superficial levels. But I doubt they are deeply aware of the real and lasting implications of their actions. Regardless, true forgiveness isn’t conditional. And what do we really want, a bloody revolution or peaceful reconciliation?
I’m calling this experiment: Scoundrels We Choose to Bless. The idea is to create an alternative to blame and punishment. What might happen, I’ve mused, if we identify a few “evil doers” behind the scenes and focus unconditional love in their direction? I picture light illuminating whatever is hidden in the shadows, a truly fascinating image.
I propose choosing a different scoundrel each week. First up, and well deserving of our precedent-setting attention, is one of the primary architects behind it all, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum and author of Covid 19-The Great Reset. Read a quick take on the man and his book here.
For something vastly more entertaining, click here for a 12-minute video rant from comedian/social commentator Russell Brand, exposing this advocate of “the stakeholder paradigm of international governance” (translation: corporations running the world for profit).
For those who would like to experiment with me, here’s the four-step process:
  1. Educate yourself about our target (I’ve made that easy, just click on the two links above to become familiar with Klaus Schwab).
  2. Throughout the next week at noon, zone into the impression you’ve gained of this man from reading and watching and learning about who he is and what he’s done.
  3. Focus and transmit whatever positive emotional quality you choose in his direction. Like forgiveness or compassion.
  4. Notice what happens.
As I’ve experimented with this as few times, I’ve encountered a whole world of unique sensations. It feels like I’m actually connecting and interacting with this stranger’s energy field. I won’t say more about my experience because I’d prefer you to explore without prejudice and please let me know what happens.
I wonder if elite manipulators like Schwab are actually the most vulnerable members of our society, because they’ve strayed the furthest from authenticity and are living the biggest lies. I know it’s difficult to muster pity for those who’ve hurt us and are now going after our children but I wonder, what might happen when we do?
Enjoy the experiment!


1 comment:

Stewart Berger said...

Will, I appreciate what you say here and, as always, your sense of humor too! Much has happened since your posting, and the mainstream media could not help but report on it daily. I don't know if Prime Minister Trudeau ever addressed the points made by the other side, but we know what the results have been, and we see similar situations in parts of the U.S. and in other countries. The experiment you recommend is valid and practical. It reminds me of how Jesus said, in essence, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for those who despitefully use you, because if you love only those who love you, how much opportunity and invitation are you really providing to others to open themselves to a greater realization of being and living?" That said, I do think it's also of value to state clearly the facts as we see them and to share our views with other people, so we know where we all stand in relationship with the truth. One fact provided by Johns Hopkins University is that the Covid survivability rate for the average Canadian and American is almost 99%. This shows me that some politicians and members of the public prefer to ignore this fact--and other means of bolstering immunity and overall health--in favor of attempts at greater control. I choose making wise choices and acceptance--and love--over fear.