December 25, 2021

In  Thy  Temple

All is still in Thy Great Womb

where now  a thunderous Presence

all in silence

plants the seed of life

And all is still here in Thy Womb

where rhythmic power gathers

and in perfect measure  finds release

in the Temple of Thy Body

in the Cathedral of Thy World

In this

the holy place of magic

the sweetness of Thy Womb

a lightning shaft of power

ignites  the world in love

and all’s made new

in awesome silence

All is one in me

as I am one in Thee


for all

I offer up to Thee


for Thy perfect constant Presence


1 comment:

Laura Fisher said...

Thank you David
Te language of the Kingdom is spoken again by living flesh on earth!
Let us ensure that all who hear know safety and welcome into the Kingdom of God.

Blessed be the birth of our King.