August 27, 2017


A  New  Story

Larry Krantz   August 20, 2017

How do we act when no one sees, even in the secret places of our minds and hearts? Things may come up that are sullied—for we are part of this corrupt world—but how we handle such things is what matters, whether we rise above the usual human nonsense and transform it into something alive and genuine, which reveals the truth of who we are. We see many disturbing things in the world, which could divide us, pull us apart and draw us into conflict, but it is only on the surface of things, the appearance of the false state, promulgated by those who are lost in the illusion. Underneath the appearance of things is the reality of oneness. We are one body of mankind; we have one planetary home, live in one solar system, and are part of one cosmos.

There have been recent acts of terrorism in various countries and an apparent act of domestic terrorism in the United States. Such acts lift up intense feelings and can send the mind spinning. In such cases, it is customary to feel fear and condemn the offenders. The goal of acts of violence is to tear us apart and cause chaos. Howard Schultz, who runs Starbucks, called for a town meeting of his employees in Seattle, saying, “I could sense the anxiety… I felt a need to create a safe and loving environment.” Many other voices, known and unknown, have responded with nobility of spirit and the lifting up of true character, to emphasize our inherent unity and kindness.

The hatred and intolerance rising to the surface and thrown in our faces by the worldwide media makes it difficult for people to sit on the fence. It is heartening to hear calm voices and sensible reason arise in the face of destructive emotions, lifting up rather than descending into hatred. For most of us, we may not need public proclamations, but simply to deal with the currents we feel or observe and offer a healing vibration, along with a call to rise up in consciousness, to move away from blame and anger, to remember to be our true Selves. We can embody the essences of love and oneness and see others as brothers and sisters, even when they have gone astray. I am not advocating that we ignore what is going on or pretend it is otherwise, but we can handle our worlds wisely and carefully, not be moved by all the destruction and nonsense, and be true to our eternal nature.

The old story is false; it promotes separation and divisiveness. Yet, these days especially, we see many people resisting the urge to get involved in finger pointing and polarization into “us” and “them.” In this country, it may go back to the essential American spirit, as envisioned by the founders, where people are free to think and act in new ways, not bound by centuries of tradition and forced sameness. Now, in this time of globalization, a new vision of what is possible is emerging in many places and in surprising ways, many voices, many people beginning to see with new eyes, coming up to higher ground. We may sense kindred spirits far and wide. We can appreciate their courage to step up, and we may feel a resonance with their words and actions.

Along these lines, I read that a few U.S. Senators from different parties now want to work together to solve the country’s problem of health coverage. It seems like such a simple thing, a small thing, and common sense, but when contrasted to the recent polarization in politics, which accomplishes little, this stands out as a sensible and brave move. We need to work together.

If a new state is to come, it may get messy and uncomfortable. The entrenched state needs to be shaken up if it is going to change. And, not everyone wants people to get along and work together, for they like the chaos, which they think gives them a chance to impose their views on others. Yet, even though the headlines are taken up with what is wrong in the world, it is actually on the surface of things. Something much greater is moving at deeper levels.

Recently, I have been watching sunsets. They are quite dramatic in Colorado, as the sunsets behind the Rocky Mountains and glorious colors light up clouds. I understand something of how light refracts in the atmosphere and elicits different colors. Each sunset is unique and changes moment by moment as the sun moves in its arc. It is as if a great artist uses the sky as a canvas to create a spectacular show each evening. But, what I find most inspiring, and leaves me in awe, is the sensing of great forces moving behind this celestial show. There is the visible and there is the magnificence of spirit guiding and creating what appears in form. Of  course, this is not just at sunsets, but all the time, in all of our moments, each day. There is form, and there is what is behind the form at a more basic level.

Looking back over my life, I can see so many times when I was guided and helped, despite my personal desires and thoughts which could have gotten in the way. A much greater force has always been in the background. I have been humbled enough to acknowledge my human limitations and have become more open to move with spirit as it comes to focus in my world, and trust in that. The inner voice knows better than me! I suppose it is something of a paradox. On the one hand, I am this limited human being, with a certain life span and a few gifts, yet at the same time I am beyond all that, part of an infinite source, all-that-is. It boggles the human mind, but at another level is perfectly sensible and understandable, a partnership, human, and being.

The finite and the infinite—all part of one whole. When we are our true Selves, we can write a new story, based in love and oneness. We can be fully present, even in this strange world, and reveal a transcendent message. The veil between the outer world and the inner reality is thinning, and many people are emerging more fully into their own reality. They are awakening, each in their own way, and we may be thankful to see sparks of the light of comprehension emerging in many places.

I sometimes muse about the potential for humanity if oneness were actually known. I doubt we could imagine with any accuracy what that would be like. A hint might have been a gathering said to have taken place in an upper room, after the departure of Jesus, which included the disciples and others. Apparently, it was a magical experience. Those present experienced a depth of oneness and the release of great power, as if the illusion of this world had been momentarily suspended and great forces were unleashed. It was a sacred moment, filled with transcendent understanding and possibility. It could have been a stepping stone to something even greater, but disagreements and divisions soon arose among them. They fell back into the old story and regressed into contention. They lost sight of their combined purpose, and as they fragmented, it did not end well for most of them.

But, this is a new day. A transcendent understanding is building slowly and surely, guided by the unseen hand and spirit. The realization is dawning that we are one human family, which is, in turn, part of a much larger family—a living universe. We can live wisely in this strange, false world, yet keep our eyes on what is really important, without being distracted by the trivial deficiencies and endless conflicts of mankind. Something fresh and wonderful is seeking to be born in every moment and we, among others, are the means to let that happen.

So, let us write a new story, based in love and oneness, for that is the true shape of reality, and what really matters. It is good to be together and know that all is well.


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