July 31, 2016

The  Greatest  Message  To  Be  Offered  On  Earth


Sometimes  Distressed — Yet  Always Divine

Alan Hammond


“Be still, and know that I am God.” This statement and awareness appeared through the speaker of these words in a Psalm, and has also appeared through the ages in the human consciousness of other people. We see recorded in the Bible various people who became aware of their Identity—of Being, I Am—most notably, Jesus. And after biblical times, others have also come to know their true Identity.

There is one vast Power that animates everything. We know that power as Life. This power animates all forms, including those of human beings. So it is obvious that the true Identity expressing through human forms is Life, Being, known to each of us personally as who I Am. A more vivid and conscious awareness of this Identity emerges accurately in consciousness when there is a clear expression of the true nature of Life. That nature may be described, in essence, as Love, Truth and Life. We know from experience that this is who we are. We love to love. We are Truth—we love to do the right thing. And we are Life—we love to create.

Ultimately there is only one expresser in the Cosmos—Life. There is only one observer—Life. There is only one that experiences—and that is Life. This is the true universal Identity we have called the Cosmic I Am. We, and everyone else and everything else, are differentiations of this one Identity, this One who experiences and observes and expresses. Coming onto the earthly scene that is currently racked with problems, discomforts, dis-ease—despite the frantic efforts by distorted human beings to seek other remedies—there is only one solution to all the myriad problems. That is the clear expression of true Identity through human beings.

The expression of this true Identity and Character on Earth would resolve all the problems of personal relationship, all social, racial, international, health and ecological problems. The expression of this Character satisfies the deepest longing of every human heart, and satisfies their highest aspirations. Without the expression of this true Identity, the human world is in a hopeless state. True spiritual expression is the only hope for the survival of mankind. The only thing that has allowed human beings to survive this long is the spiritual expression through enough people to this point.

Throughout human history there have been so-called revolutions, which were supposed to change everything. But they have come and gone and there has been no real revolution, because human nature has merely been replaced with more human nature in charge. The only worthwhile revolution would be the reappearance of Divine Identity through human beings. Now it should be obvious that our message regarding true Identity is the greatest message to be offered on Earth for millennia, and we are commissioned to bear it. Can our minds really appreciate this fact? I know, personally, my own mind was very skeptical for a long while. However, over the decades the evidence of the truth of this, has accumulated. And I think you’ll find that in the various fields of human endeavor, all valid research is moving human consciousness toward the awareness of the oneness of Life and of our Self-conscious Identity in the Whole.

Individuals have unique forms and consciousnesses but they are also part of collective bodies. For example, each of us is also part of the body and mind of mankind. We are also part of the body and consciousness of the planet. This we have called the Archangelic Body. And moving through the gradation of the astronomical forms, we are ultimately part of the Cosmic Body and Mind.

Each cell in the human body carries the DNA of the whole body, and so too does each individual carry the spiritual and outer essences of the whole Archangelic Body. This fact is the basis for our holographic experiences. Thus, the global problems and stresses of the whole Archangelic Body can be reflected in our personal experience, but we tend to give them local causes. In reverse, we can easily see many of our personal stresses magnified in the larger body of mankind all around us.

Our holographic nature and context allows us to extend creative influence into the Whole through our action where we are locally. Because of this holographic nature, we can empathize with anyone’s experience. We can relate to it and help move it in a creative direction. This is true intercession. We can see then that we experience a wide range of human feelings—feelings that are physical, mental and emotional. Many people think that they are weak or wicked when some of these feelings come to them. But our job is to deal with such experiences by expressing the Tone, the true Character of Being, and to never forget who we truly are.

Our physical forms and our consciousnesses are instruments able to monitor what is transpiring locally and in the larger body, and also instruments of radiation into the body of mankind and into the larger planet. So this range of feelings we have, which are often uncomfortable, are very useful. They are essential, in fact, if we are to be of any use on Earth. Of what use would we be if we could not discern what was transpiring in the Body? And of what use would we be if we were unable to extend a creative influence?

There are some false concepts and imaginations about what a divine experience would be on Earth. For example, sometimes it is imagined that someone divine would have lateral, cosmic vision, where they would somehow be able to encompass all the details of the Cosmos in their head. The human mind is not designed for such function. Often it is imagined that a divine person would not experience uncomfortable feelings. We know that pain can be experienced at all levels because we are part of the human condition, in body and in consciousness. We are embedded in the mass consciousness, so we too can experience what might be described as “cloud cover.” And sometimes, from the divine standpoint, it is a wonderful achievement just to maintain the expression of the Tone in a moment. In essence, the expression of the character of I Am in the moment is the expression of the Cosmic I Am—as known in this unique location in the Cosmos.

Many within the sound of my voice were once part of a very close, collective spiritual process of teaching, counseling, correction, etc. No doubt all of us in our own paths have had a version of this kind of spiritual training. Now, however, we find ourselves virtually alone with the personal responsibility to purify our own hearts—or, to put it another way, to grow up—and work with our human minds and hearts so that they do not encumber the expression of who I Am. It is important that we have self-awareness. If we have true Self-awareness, we also have accurate awareness with respect to the condition of our outer psyches. We then avoid self-delusion.

Actual behavioral changes are needed, not just the accumulation or rehearsal of so-called spiritual vision. Human beings tend to overestimate the power of external talents, and underestimate the power of spiritual expression. Of course we need some abilities. We also need some finer substance to discern the effects of spiritual expression, because Spirit works differently in our worlds than merely the expression of outer talents. Usually human beings assess success by the achievement of self-centered goals.

The human ego often says, “My talents, my abilities are not appreciated.” Well the first question we should ask is, are they actually worth being appreciated? Or, the ego may say, “No one appreciates or sees my wonderful service.” Well, how wonderful is it, really? We should all be a little skeptical as to how magnificent and widespread the influence of our service is. Others may think to themselves, “What great sacrifices I have made to serve.” I can assure you that such thinking indicates there is very little service being rendered. In reality, there is no sacrifice by an Angel, no sacrifice to express one’s true Self, and no reward is needed. We do everything we do because this is who we are. We would not sacrifice this. Everything we do in the outer sense is secondary, and thus is not a sacrifice.

In one sense, in this consideration we could think that addressing our human nature is pretty low-level spiritual work. But since we are a part of the human body and consciousness, and since, if we are honest, we know very well that at times we partake in shades of expression other than the divine, we see that this is where the re-creative cycle on Earth is. And so we are delighted to focus on adjustments within ourselves as necessary.

I think most people on Earth would think that they are not an important person in the collective body of mankind, and not destined to serve very significantly. But each of us is responsible for clear spiritual expression—the release of creative energy. Thus, do any of us have any physical challenges—illness, perhaps? Do any of us have any mental challenges? Do we have any problems in our lives? Do we have some emotional challenges? Do we have fears that arise, or feelings of disappointment? Times when we find ourselves being critical of others? Yes, we have many of these experiences. But we are also conscious in the holographic Body, and are therefore potentially among the most significant people in the Body. I’ll repeat that—among the most significant people in the Body. Is that hard to believe? Think about it.

We are invited to help provide Self-conscious spiritual expression in the Archangelic, holographic Body on Earth. I would suggest this is a very important role, if it is done. It is surely more significant than leadership in any field of human activity, be it government, creating inventions, or what have you. If we awaken holographically to who I Am, we realize that “If I don’t take responsibility for spiritual expression in this situation in the Design, who will? There is no one else to consciously act except who I Am.”

There have been stars in the history of the holographic Body—people like Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius, and many others. Do we think of ourselves as nobodies? We are an aspect of I Am. We are of the same Identity as those stars, the same Spirit. We have the same challenges, the same job, the same adventure in this evolving world. It is possible for us to holographically identify and move with all parts of Being—the Cosmic I Am. To our outer consciousness, this unification with the Whole, the Cosmic I Am, feels like letting go, letting the one current of Life move all around—and through oneself specifically in the expression of its true Character. We can then let the Whole achieve what is to be achieved where I Am.

What a priceless privilege we know!

How wonderful it is to realize we have plenty of divine work on our personal plates. All those feelings that we have possibly taken too personally—my physical pains, my mental pains, my emotional pains, or thinking, “Oh, how weak and wicked I am”—no, that is not who we are. We are the beautiful expression of Love, of Truth, of Life. We really have known this about ourselves all our lives. The challenge has been to actually express it through these hearts and minds that have been distorted. We do not identify with these distortions. We are here in these scenes, these unique parts of the design in which we individually find ourselves, to reveal true spiritual action at this time on Earth. It may not look glorious to anybody. But we know that it is the very core of what is required in the Body of mankind now.

So we are not only content; we rejoice to be conscious enough to express Spirit to the best of our abilities through the forms available to us. We do it individually and we also do it with millions of other people. Many of them are possibly less conscious than we are, and yet the Spirit moving in them is seeking to express integrity, true Character. We are one with them. We are also one with those who haven’t a clue and are completely unconscious of who they really are, living as best they may in a darkened state.

Thank you all for being You, and for serving where you are in the Design.


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