February 14, 2015


out where i work
there is a place of great mystery power and beauty

i would like to take you there
to walk the fields and hills
climb the rock bluffs
sit on the mountaintop
and enjoy the immensity of this place

the fragrance of pine and fir
lush thick mosses
sage and wild rose
dark moist earth
sun’s heat beating against granite
raven and crow everywhere playing
flirting  sitting  watching

sensuous currents beckoning
entry into darkening cave-like undergrowth
masculine power  feminine power
and places where these two forces meet and blend

a circle of stone rises from the center of the world

out where i work
there is a place of great mystery
power and beauty
i would like to take you there
will you come

david barnes

the  unnamed  one

i am the available passion of the world
eros flames this heart and belly
ecstasy floods
in streams of liquid fire
through these veins and arteries
swells this flesh
creation of a newly emergent and unnamed one

i am conceived
thrust forth
i am the fierce and radical unveiling of a new order of being
i am the blood of the east in the wine of a new pressing
santiago california beijing and the cape
in a bright new vintage

a bold virility expands outward
through the atomic structure of this body
swollen with the blood
the wine of new life pressing
i am the virile uprightness of the world and its people
good and evil disappear into my liquid presence

i am neither good nor evil
there is no choice
i am neither permission nor restraint
i neither abandon nor withhold
i am penetrating
i am fertile
i am whole

i am the thrust of the divine
the energy of a new unqualified intercourse
i am the ecstasy of the whole body
a seminal firing in the womb of a new order
i am the available passion of the world

david barnes


Lucille said...

Thank you, David. I accept your invitation to a place of mystery, power and great beauty. I am there with you walking the fields and hills, climbing the rock bluffs, sitting on the mountain top, and enjoying the immensity of this place. It is wonderful and delightful---You asked me and I came.
I love what is said here "the unnamed one." Your poetry expresses perfectly and clearly: "I am the available passion of the world/" Yes, this is the truth of who I Am. This is true of individuals whose passion lets the Presence of the One, be a reality in living, in experience. I believe I understand your beautiful expression here, David, yet I can't seem to find the proper words to express totally how I understand it in my heart.. I really love both your poems so full of love and meaning. Thank you.

The pneumiatrist said...

Thank you for your Genuineness my friend. It warms my heart. Love and blessings are your constant companion as you walk this earth. Peace and the the Joy of Being are as the wind beneath your wings. Namaste