January 25, 2015


Golden Light

Dwelling with those volumes olden
In his garret, closed from all;
Vainly seeking there the golden
Secrets of this cosmic ball.

Crammed with lore and learned madness,
With his dream of golden light:
Found a world of antique sadness
In those books of perished night.

Then from out his dingy garret —
Leaving all that lore and rhyme —
Walked he in the living air, at
Sun-peep, in the August time.

Then he wept for all the wasted
Years spent in the Perished Night,
For he knew that now he tasted
What he longed for — Golden Light.

Gordon Stace Smith


Unknown said...


The pneumiatrist said...

To have awoken is wondrous...inspiring...and filled with purposefulness.
Thank you for this.

Lucille said...

Your grandfather's beautiful Spirit expressed in words...very inspiring! Thank you, David, for sharing this.