January 31, 2015

Dr. Gabor Maté

Ted Talk

The Power of Addiction and the Addiction of Power


Dr. Gabor Maté weaves together scientific research, case histories, and his own insights and experience to present a broad perspective that enlightens and empowers people to promote their own healing and that of those around them.

Dr. Maté worked for twelve years in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside with patients challenged by hard-core drug addiction, mental illness and HIV, including at Vancouver's Supervised Injection Site. With over 20 years of family practice and palliative care experience and extensive knowledge of the latest findings of leading-edge research. Dr. Maté is a speaker and teacher who regularly addresses health professionals, educators, and lay audiences throughout North America.

Dr. Maté has written several bestselling books including the award-winning In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction; When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress; and Scattered Minds: A New Look at the Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder, and co-authored Hold on to Your Kids.

Dr. Maté has received the Hubert Evans Prize for Literary Non-Fiction; an Honorary Degree (Law) from the University of Northern British Columbia; an Outstanding Alumnus Award from Simon Fraser University; and the 2012 Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award from Mothers Against Teen Violence. He is an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Criminology, Simon Fraser University.

AddictionThe source of addictions is not to be found in genes, but in the early childhood environment. In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts, Dr. Mate's most recent best-selling book, draws on cutting-edge science to illuminate where and how addictions originate and calls for a more compassionate approach toward the addict.

Mind/Body HealthThe brain and body systems that process emotions are intimately connected with the hormonal apparatus, the nervous system, and in particular the immune system. Dr. Mate's insight into the relationship of the mind and the body are presented in: When the Body Says No.

Childhood Development & ParentingThe brain is affected by the environment not only during critical periods of early childhood development, but throughout the human lifetime. In Hold On to Your Kids, co-authored with Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Dr. Maté provides insight into the environmental factors necessary for healthy child development.

AD(H)DAttention Deficit Disorder is a reversible impairment and a developmental delay, with origins in infancy. In Scattered Minds, Dr. Maté offers a completely new perspective on this disorder, providing hope for adults with ADD, and parents seeking to support their children.

The Damage is Done: A Multidisciplinary Performance by starring Gabor Maté and Rita Bozi directed by Ken Cameron. The Damage Is Done is an intersection between personal essay, YouTube video, performance, theatre and modern dance adapting the ideas found in In The Realm of Hungary Ghosts into a performance for the contemporary stage. It takes the audience from Gabor's infancy when the Nazis invaded Budapest to a song that set off a rash of suicides in Hungary, to a Canadian Hungarian punk rocker. It delves into the severing of a family during the Hungarian Revolution. The connection of disparate events serves to illustrate the effects of history and early childhood trauma on the individual.  https://vimeo.com/105267360

Toxic Culture: a theme which is being increasingly explored and addressed in lectures by Dr. Maté, with a new book in the works, tentatively titled, Toxic Culture: How Capitalism Makes Us Sick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaAJQR_9Dg8 

January 28, 2015



Ron Laws — Flutemaker & Musician

Ron's earliest memories are from the beautiful Applegate and Rogue River Valleys, amidst the blue tip pines of Southern Oregon Near his ancestral home was a little trout stream that meandered around a grassy meadow with a stand of old growth sugar pine. In the center was a magical place with a huge old ancient tree, which is where Ron learned to play flute, drum his oatmeal carton drum, dance, and feel the magic, wonder, love, and power of this world. It was once said that in the old growth forests of Southern Oregon, if one were to listen to the wind late at night, there were stories to be heard.

"Often I imagined myself to be one of the great trees, standing tall and proud. In their sacred presence I felt the miracle of my heart beating, the gift of pure air filling my lungs, my feet rooted in the earth—and in the gold light of the sun I would spread my arms as great branches and my thoughts, like birds, would soar. I was free! Singing with my coyote brothers, my heart flying in great circles with the hawk. And when I danced naked amidst the pines, the wisdom and music of creation flowed through my being as effortlessly as wind moved through the branches above me.

"Sometimes, from deep in the mystery of this wondrous world, I would hear stories whispered, perhaps by the old growth, about those who had danced in this meadow before me, and who had, each in there times, been drawn away into the busy world of Men where there were many tasks to accomplish and many lessons to learn.

"During these times, I could feel myself being pulled into another place, into a world that I did not yet understand.

"One day, my time came, and I also left that beautiful valley to learn through many heartaches and joys the strange ways of those who did not remember the voices of the trees, the brooks, the birds and the sky.

"But when my heart was filled with pain, or my steps had become too disjointed, I would play my drum and dance again.

"Then an inner sun would rise within upon the beautiful island meadow that I would always love, and once again, in the music, and in the dance of my remembrance, all was well."


Ron has been working with wood since he was a boy. In his twenties  he started a manufacturing company making pine novelty items, and he also has experience as a builder of cedar homes. Around 1994, Ron began hand-crafting Native American Flutes in his small shop on his  land near Bend, Oregon. He also can be found on the rivers, streams and  mountains of Central Oregon, playing one of his flutes. Ron performs as a musician—he’s opened for Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer, and he’s the founding member of the music group trio COYO. He also  teaches flute-playing classes, is a story-teller, plays for the local  hospice, and does work-shops with at risk youths. Today flute making is Ron’s full-time business. He is one of the finest craftsmen in the  business and a member of the International Native American Flute  Association (INAFA).

January 25, 2015


Golden Light

Dwelling with those volumes olden
In his garret, closed from all;
Vainly seeking there the golden
Secrets of this cosmic ball.

Crammed with lore and learned madness,
With his dream of golden light:
Found a world of antique sadness
In those books of perished night.

Then from out his dingy garret —
Leaving all that lore and rhyme —
Walked he in the living air, at
Sun-peep, in the August time.

Then he wept for all the wasted
Years spent in the Perished Night,
For he knew that now he tasted
What he longed for — Golden Light.

Gordon Stace Smith