October 04, 2022

A New Science Of Heaven

 A  New  Science  Of  Heaven

Robert Temple

A new book by Robert Temple, titled A New Science Of Heaven, will be released in North America on November 15, 2022. He describes “How the new science of plasma physics is shedding light on spiritual experience” and he promises to show how “the new science of plasma physics is shedding light on spiritual experience.” Here is how Robert Temple describes plasma, as he uses the term:

“Plasma is what this book is about. To put it very simply, plasma is matter that is made of ‘incomplete or partial atoms’, known as ions, and the much smaller particles known as protons and electrons. Plasma has sometimes been called the fourth state of matter, after solid, liquid and gas, but finer even than gas. We call the physical matter that is familiar to us ‘atomic matter’ because it is made of whole atoms, whereas plasma can also be described as non-atomic or subatomic matter. Plasma is very familiar to us even though we may not realize it, for the Sun is entirely composed of plasma, and the stars are plasma too. Plasma also manifests itself in lightning, including ball lightning and other mysterious phenomena we will examine later. But plasma is otherwise and for the most part invisible, and we will be going into that unseen aspect of plasma a great deal as we go along… Because plasma is made up of charged subatomic particles, it is volatile and displays a tendency to form complex, constantly evolving patterns… This is particularly true of discrete bundles of plasma that we will call plasmoids.

“Though this may surprise or even shock many readers, who may find this implausible on the face of it, I will also show that nearly all scientists in the field believe that the Universe is more than 99 per cent made of plasma—although this too has not yet filtered down to the general reading public… Clearly these ideas taken together open up vast new and very fruitful areas for speculation on the origins of the cosmos and the role of intelligence within it. In fact, I will be arguing that life in its basic state is inorganic, and is not made out of atomic matter. I suggest that it is made out of pre-atomic matter, namely the atomic particles, electrons and protons, and ions—plasma. Thus, I am suggesting that we and all living things in the Universe, whether organic or inorganic, arise from this plasma, and that the organic state is secondary to our fundamental nature as plasma beings. I believe that we can now start to articulate ‘a new science of heaven’. That is what this book is about, and that is what I propose to do.

“I will also show that as well as being very new, these ideas are also in another sense very old; ancient religions and philosophers in the classical world… might not have been able to apply mathematical measurement to assess the levels of complexity necessary for life and intelligence that modern physicists can now apply, but a shift in perspective caused by the new physics of plasma will cause us to reassess many ways of understanding the world previously dismissed as discredited or even cranky. I will not enter into theological discussions and will confine myself to the new science, with the exception of a brief historical review of some early religious texts that have relevance to our subject. I believe that much of what we have previously called spiritual is really plasma, and that it exists all around us and in us. Many spiritual experiences reported throughout human history are really encounters with plasma phenomena or plasma entities… My primary purpose is to reconcile the ‘spiritual’ with the ‘material’, and thereby to show that the dispute between them is false. There is in fact no contradiction between them when one digests the teachings of the New Science.”

Robert Temple is a fine elder man and a good friend to many of the refined men and women who have done significant work in the field of plasma science. In his living and his writing, his thinking and his perception, Robert has opened to an awareness of the existence of invisible fields of fire, light and cloud inherent in the reality of intelligent Being and radiant plasma. He Robert Temple writes about radiant matter, bioplasma, plasmoids, plasma winds, solar winds, magnetized plasma, the magnetosphere, dusty complex plasma, plasma crystals, superconductivity, superfluidity, flowing plasma streams within the sun, plasma intelligence, information transfer and storing, self-organizing systems, bioplasmic bodies, pneuma, orgasm, and plasma beings. He says, “We need to keep uppermost in our minds that the question ‘What is life?’ is not going to go away, and we will need to bring it to bear when we consider the question of whether or not plasmas can be said to be living, intelligent and conscious.”

He goes on to say: “In light of what we now know about the predominance of plasma in the Universe, we really need to turn our physics on its head. Instead of trying to model the Universe on the basis of the very rare and specialized form of dense matter found on our planet, we need to treat dense ‘physical matter’ as an exceptional form of the true ‘universal matter’, plasma. There is no use in our trying to establish universal laws on the basis of a tiny sample of far less than one percent of what exists. We need to establish physical laws on the basis of plasma and specify what we call ‘physical matter’ as a very special and limited case, which has no justification for being used as a basis for describing the majority constituents of the Universe. So drastic does our rearrangement of science need to be that we can take our present physics, shrink it and plonk it into a tiny corner of the representation of the wider truth, where it can describe those minority conditions appertaining to planets and other such ‘solid’ bodies, as a kind of footnote or addendum to a true universal science… We cannot therefore draw conclusions about universal truths based upon a highly divergent, atypical, and almost infinitesimally small percentage of what exists. We cannot be certain that any of our physics is universally applicable and hence ‘true’ in the sense that we have complacently assumed.”

Robert Temple expands his premise, writing: “I want to discuss a very surprising assertion that is not at all well known to the general public and perhaps not well known even by scientists who work in other fields, but is universally accepted by scientists who do work in the field of plasma research. Alongside our atomic, visible world is the subtler universe of plasma. It is in our understanding of that ‘other kind of matter’ that ground-breaking progress has been made recently. Some will no doubt say there is no ‘other kind of matter’, and that I must be talking nonsense. But the fact is that the existence of other kinds of matter, several of them, has been now proved. In fact so much has recently become known about them that we can now begin to have some proper understanding of them… Plasma is very different from ‘physical matter’. ‘Physical matter’ is very rare in the Universe. At least 99 per cent, and some say more than 99.99 per cent, of the Universe is composed of plasma. We therefore live in a plasma universe, not a physical matter universe. But what does this mean?

“What it means is that everything familiar to us on Earth is abnormal. What we call ‘physical matter’ exists in three familiar states: solid, liquid, and gaseous… Nowadays the fact that the Universe is made of at least 99 per cent plasma is accepted by all astronomers, astrophysicists, cosmologists and the other scientists concerned with those subjects, but the implications of this remain obscure. And the fact that new kinds of plasma keep being discovered does not make it any easier. The latest forms of plasma are so extraordinary that they are frankly baffling. And the very small community of plasma scientists at work on these problems are making an astonishing amount of progress, but are doing so largely without the knowledge of other physicists and astrophysicists.”

Robert Temple, in A New Science Of Heaven writes: “Time and again in history science seems only to progress via vicious ridicule, followed by vindication and reluctant, hypocritical acceptance by most of the people who have spent years insulting the innovative thinkers… who have defied orthodoxy and ridicule and have put forward a far more convincing explanation of how the Universe works…The 99% of the Universe that is plasma is not sitting there inert. It is fantastically active and dynamic. And we shall shortly see that as plasma beings, we are part of that universal process.” Robert tells stories and quotes such renowned physicists as Rupert Sheldrake, Karl Pribram, Illya Prigogene, David Bohm, and others. And he continues: “It really is true to say that we live in an electromagnetic world, and are only beginning to understand how it works. All of us are electric people, full of multiple currents of both negative charge called electricity, and positive charge, called proticity. Since charged currents always generate magnetic fields, we are also full of multiple magnetic fields. When we say that people sometimes have ‘magnetic personalities’, we may be closer to the truth than we thought.”

Unorthodoxy characterizes Robert Temple; he writes: “There is an Earth that is invisible to the human eye, and it surrounds the visible Earth. This other Earth is composed of plasma, and it is far larger than the ‘solid core’ on which we live. Which, then, is the real Earth? Or is the real Earth both togther? Our planet is thus the solid core of a vast plasma entity that surrounds it. We need to accept that the [plasma] and the atmosphere are the Earth just as much as the solid core. Our planet is more than solely a round ball in space. The fact that it is invisible to our retinas, and we can see only [the solid core] is neither here nor there.” In his book Robert Temple uses the fascinating phrase “quantum entanglement.” As we withdraw from human nature entanglements, we discover a new level of divine entanglement which leaves us free as Angels to engage and create within the patterns of truth. Robert speaks of it this way: “Long-range order is an example of one of the outcomes that entanglement genertates. This extraordinary phenomenon means that particles or things very far apart indeed can be closely coordinated and can behave as if they are all parts of one centrally controlled organism. This is what is known as quantum entanglement. Sometimes a system can suddenly undergo a change, known in the jargon as a phase transition, and millions of apparently separate things in the system instantaneously begin to act as one… This is also referred to as the sudden onset of long-range order. No one is entirely sure how all these things can happen in the natural world, but they do. And now we know that this form of coherence by means of long-range order can happen within plasma crystals. This means that both information and energy can come from far away. Because of entanglement, not only can part of giant dusty complex plasmas communicate with each other in coherent patterns over distances, but giant dusty complex plasmas at the opposite sides of the Universe might in principle cooperate in the evolution of intelligence.”

It is obvious that Robert Temple is on to something important.

Pick up a copy of his book at:


A New Science Of Heaven

© Robert Temple

Hodder & Stroughton Ltd

London, England


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