December 31, 2020

Through  The  Dark  Night

Don Hynes

The valley lays in darkness,

the earth pulsing

with great mystery.

Trees vibrate in this pulse

as do the widespread seas.

Deserts shift in waves,

animals move in migration.

On the outer rim

the earth turns quickly

while at the center

there is stillness

and a silence

reaching through stone,

sand and water.

We may be spun by the wheel

or return to the core,

to the place of emanation

where life is born.

The forces move in procession,

water, air, earth and fire,

cleansing what must pass,

giving form to what is asked

from the deep heaven.

What may we bring to this altar

but our breath of thankfulness,

alive and enduring

through the dark night

to the living day.

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