February 24, 2020

A  Legacy  of  Love  and  Inspiration

Dr.  Bill  Bahan

July 9-11, 2004  Lake Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, New York

Dr. Ken Harris — I remember meeting Bill thirty years ago. I was the instructor at the New York Chiropractic College, and I heard this fellow, Dr. Bahan, was coming to campus to speak—and I had heard of the Bahan family, and the legendary practice they had up there in Derry, New Hampshire, so out of curiosity I went to hear what he had to say. When I think back, I can honestly say that Bill was probably one of the most pivotal people I had ever met in my entire life. A pivotal person is someone whom you meet and after you meet them your life is forever changed—the course and destiny of your life is irresistibly and irrevocably changed—and that was my experience with Bill. I sat in a room with two hundred people and when we got finished there was only Bill and I, in my consciousness, who were still present, although the people were there. As the lecture went on I literally started to cry, for I had finally found someone who embodied everything I was looking for in my entire life. And the thing that I remember most about Bill is his sense of destiny, his sense of commission, his sense of largeness of purpose—and he had a great sense of humor as well—and he had a compassion and concern for the individual. Bill was the most encompassing person I ever met.


Dr. Lou Rotola — Bill had a presence of passion, which would be an understatement to make—anyone who was in his presence felt the essence and the inspiration of being who you are. You knew where he stood and you knew what his interest was; and his interest was you as a person. He had a great sense of humor and a laughter that was contagious. And he inspired other people, not to be like him, but to be who you are as a person, because we are all unique and different; and he espoused that so many times: one Bill Bahan was more than enough. We need you, you, you and you to continue the true healing of consciousness. You are divine being—and I can just hear him saying it with laughter and humor—and you have a body and mind and heart connection to express who you are—and the joy of expressing who you are. Well, I could go on more and more. He was a  friend, and I miss him terribly, to say the least; but yet his spirit lives. His commission, definitely, was a life of service.

A  Life  of  Victory

A video by Dr. Ken Harris, Producer and Author


Dr. Bill Bahan — Just imagine the potential of the influence of one individual giving spiritual expression—truly. The first step, before one can be a person of true influence, of creative influence, the first step is to acknowledge the Lord.  When the Lord is acknowledged, it naturally opens up that this person begins to be a person of influence—and you know what they begin to find? They begin to find this tremendous response all around them, that they weren’t able to see before because they hadn’t taken the first step—they hadn’t acknowledged the Lord. When we acknowledge the Lord we can be acknowledged by the Lord, and being acknowledged by the Lord, we begin to see this tremendous response around us everywhere, because in that acknowledgement we gain the vision to see what is actually with us.

Uranda June 9, 1953 — I would like to meditate with you on operational factors of magic. The first one, and one that is of vital importance to all of you in your movement, could be classified as the factor of acknowledgment. To the degree that we begin to acknowledge God, God can begin to acknowledge us. Until we do acknowledge God, God's love for us is of small meaning in direct relationship—we keep everything of God in a sphere of small meaning. This principle of acknowledgment must extend on out until in the basic sense you have acknowledged God, so that He can begin to acknowledge you. You are not in position to begin to acknowledge the focalization factors of response which come within the sphere of your influence—they are overlooked, they are ignored, and you cannot very well acknowledge them. Once they are perceived, recognized, you can begin to acknowledge them within yourself; and once they are acknowledged in relationship to those whom you may influence, and you hold the pattern steady without violating the hedge, you begin to find that there are those who will begin to acknowledge you. Functional factors. You can see why I put acknowledgment first, because it is the manifestation in action, in function, of the One Law in relationship to yourself. The first part of the Two Great Commandments emphasizes acknowledgment of God with one's whole being, one's whole soul, body, mind and heart, and with all one's strength, a complete acknowledgment of God. Remember, this is a functional factor of magic. So we see in acknowledgment something that is active, not passive. We cannot acknowledge something merely by perceiving it—you have to say it. Your actions and your words must give evidence of your perception. You may see many things without acknowledging them. But if there is acknowledgment of that which you see, then there are words, there are feelings, there are thoughts, there are actions. We see acknowledgment as a functional factorThe acknowledgment of God permits this functional factor to begin to work in relationship to yourself, so that you begin to receive acknowledgment, you begin to be aware of that Divine acknowledgment of you. As long as you are not aware on a functional basis of the Divine acknowledgment of yourself you cannot very well function from the Divine standpoint—the pattern of relatedness has not been established. So on a functional basis you begin to be aware, not fully yet, but you begin to be aware of the Divine acknowledgment of you. With this cycle opening, you begin to have the ability to perceive the focalization factors of response, or potential response as the case may be, in those around you upon whom you may begin to exert influence. Unless you do exert influence that is received and acknowledged you are not going to be much of a server.

Service  of  Thanksgiving  for  Bill  Bahan

Martin Cecil  July 16, 1983

There is a very familiar passage from the Book of Genesis, the 3rd chapter, the 9th verse and the beginning of the 10th verse, which I would like to read to you, paraphrasing the balance of the 10th verse: “And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?” Perhaps for our own particular awareness now we might substitute the word Bill for Adam. “And the Lord God called unto Bill, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was filled with joy; and I said, Here I am!” I think this passage, changed a little, represents very accurately Bill’s attitude: “Here I am!” No longer, “I was afraid and hid myself because I was naked,” but delighted to be naked and unashamed, setting aside the filthy rags of the arrogant human mind and impure human heart, which maintain a state unrelated to the garden. Bill certainly broke this precedent, a precedent which is indulged in by virtually every human being who has been born on earth throughout all recorded history.

There have been one or two, just a few, who said during these millennia, when the question was asked, “Where art thou?”: “Here I am!” No dissembling, but a straightforward answer, this answer which is required of all of us, of every human being, each one gathered today, particularly in Green Pastures and here at 100 Mile House. “Where art thou?” “Here I am! I no longer need any of the self-righteous and arrogant concepts and beliefs of the human intellect, no longer any of the theories which have been proliferated over the millennia, but to be naked and unashamed, no longer trying to foist human ideas upon the Lord but willing to be present naked and unashamed.” As I say, Bill established a precedent in this regard in this generation during his time on earth. He offered that vision to all who would receive it. It was sensed by many, accepted by some, lived by a few. The only way to know the truth is to live it.

I personally have known Bill in person for about twenty-four years. He became very quickly my loyal and trusted friend. We shared vision and understanding in a mutual recognition of true purpose, which has nothing to do with the intellectual theories of men, even if those theories are called spiritual. It is a matter of being naked and unashamed. Then there is the beginning of wisdom.

Bill was wise and a friend to everyone whom he ever met, and also to vast numbers whom he never met. The question arises now, seeing that it is constantly being posed to each one of us: “Where art thou?” Hearing that question, even though it may be faint, are we filled with joy as Bill was in saying, not merely in words but in living, “Here I am”? If we love Bill and respect what he brought we will recognize the door which he opened wide and walk through it naked and unashamed, that we may be clothed, as indeed he was, with the garments of light, the garments of understanding, the garments of truth, letting the word of truth be spoken in our living always, and sounding the Tone of Life.

Grace Van Duzen — I speak for many in acknowledging the great spirit so freely shared by this beloved man. I give voice to the joy that filled countless hearts at the unbelievably soft touch of his hand, at the irresistible trumpet call through his word, at the invitation that shone from his eyes and his smile to share his heavenly secret, to come and worship his God in the glory of living. I speak of appreciation for his unwavering agreement with Martin, for his absolute devotion to him, and for his all-inclusive love for his fellow man. We have known a mighty angel who touched and uplifted the multitudes, and we continue in the expression of that one Spirit as we are about our Father's business in the earth.

Martin Cecil   We give thanks to the Lord for having had the privilege of knowing and serving with Bill all this time, and we continue on. That’s what we are here for, that's what he was here for, that all things may be caused to work together to perfection because there are those on earth who truly do love and serve the Lord.

With great thanks to Dr. Kenneth Harris

With great thanks to Bill Bahan Jr

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