December 21, 2019

Winter Solstice 2019

Anne Blaney

published this piece today on her site

Friend to Friend

it is perfect and delightful to republish it here

to acknowledge and honour and celebrate this day

and every day under the sun

which seems to be about seven times hotter

than it was last year at this time


The  Sun  Stands  Still  Inside  Us  Now

Solstice is a direct reminder of our planetary reality

No control over this fading light, no hand in its return

Of this we can be sure ...
Because we can know
that we inhabit a place in space,
we also know
that we are small
and that we are very large

May the Light shine through you and me
Into this world
Into our home among the stars

solstice cycle

the sun stands still inside me now
wonder finds rest inside me now
all creation stands transfigured
by the radiance of an inner light
the light within the light
the luminous landscape opening

the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing
and all the trees of the field now clap their hands

now drawing closer
veil thinning
through the darkness walking
reaching light
at the heart of the world
by moonlight and by starlight
prayer and incense
by candlelight now turning
graceful turning
turn toward the sun
toward one another turning

drawing close in whispered knowings
the eternal heartbeat

the sun stands still
inside me now
wonder finds rest

we journey long and long together
knowing the space within
the space
planetary beings in spiral dance
the living body of the sacred sun

david barnes

1 comment:

Laura Fisher said...

This is a masterpiece, David and Anne. Truly a newly dawning day!
The blessings are glorious for the whole work.