April 14, 2018


Archangelic  Focus

Alan Hammond

Anybody who has any competence in any field is competent because they’ve allowed the Spirit of God to come to focus in that field. They are careful in that field, they have some discipline in that field, and they have to love it. We have at least some theoretical awareness that we’re here to allow the Spirit of God to create quality and competence in every aspect of our living, so that we reveal a balanced Tone. Perfectly pitched notes carry further than blurred notes. Muddled, off-tone living isn’t very useful. As soon as one begins to think about this, one realizes there’s no space for complacency in one’s own living. There’s serious concentration needed so that the perfect Tone is sounded in every aspect of our living, which means in every moment.

If we seek to express the Tone in every moment, different facets of our lives come to focus in the cycle of a day, a week, a month. The key to all of this is love—loving the Lord Our God, loving that quality of character, loving perfection, loving beauty, loving effectiveness—because that’s the character of the Lord. So, if we love that character, love the Lord above all, we express that in each moment, and that is bringing to focus all the creative principles one might like to enumerate in living relative to that area of living. Oddly enough, “loving the Lord our God” is the most down-to-earth way of being effective in life if one actually does it in the moment.

Each of us was born to do something specific on Earth in the course of our lives. But what is that specific thing? Don’t we wish to know purpose in every moment of our lives, not just in one great thing and then drop dead when we’ve achieved that one thing? Actually, the specific thing we came to do is made apparent to us in every moment. We are present in every situation to magnify the Lord, to reveal the Lord, to reveal the creative spirit in every situation. We came specifically to do that. We are present to do this, so this gives us purpose in every moment. We’re not just waiting for our big curtain call when we pop onstage, do one big thing, and then pop off again. There’s a specific purpose in every moment, and if we’re conscious we can fulfill that purpose. Often we lapse into unconsciousness, and maybe we don’t completely fulfill our purpose in every moment, but to successfully accomplish the purpose in every moment is real living. However, there is an overall purpose also, to which these myriad smaller purposes may contribute.

One of the larger purposes we incarnated to achieve now is to reveal some absolute truths, and thereby reawaken human consciousness to absolute truths. Characteristic of the human consciousness at the moment is knowing virtually nothing for certain. As a consequence, there’s the generation of a plethora of religious, philosophical and scientific theories, and a vague swimming around of consciousness. Nothing is known for certain. Part of our purpose in incarnating now is to reawaken in the human consciousness the absolute truth.

Well, we have to have a starting point. All truth can’t be revealed in an instant. So what is the starting point of absolute knowing? The obvious one to me is that we are an expression of Life, the one Power that’s animating everything everywhere. To me that seems obvious, but it isn’t to most people. God knows what they think they are! They have all sorts of theories about that. But the absolute truth is that I am an expression of Life—the animating force of everything everywhere. I am an aspect of Life, the Creator. And this is true for everyone.

Subsequently, another absolute truth is that my nature is that of the Creator. My nature is the Truth of Love. I love to love, and I love to create because this is who I am. These are absolute truths and I know therefore that, although it may be challenging to reveal who I am, ultimately there are no excuses for not doing that. I am absolutely responsible for the expression of who I am through this human form. These are the starting points for the revelation of whatever other truths may emerge thereafter.

If we know this, then we begin to live out of this absolute truth and we play our part in the unfolding re-creative process that is transpiring in the body and consciousness of mankind. Also, if it is absolute truth and we’re expressing that, then this will have effect in the creative field in which we’re participating. One has to be man or woman enough to say there’s no reason or excuse why I cannot express the finest quality of character conceivable in every moment. Certainly we know it may be difficult now and then, but we also know that this is why we’re here.

I think we could also see that we’re here as aspects, or focalizations, of the Archangelic Being. Perhaps we should define the word archangelic. If all human beings are, in true Identity, Angels, and there are a given number of Angels responsible for this planet, then that overall spiritual body is the Archangelic Body. It’s the radiation from these eternal Beings that actually sustains and develops this outer world, with all its myriad forms. Thus, each of us is an expression of this archangelic Spirit, which is doing everything on this planet. Of course, this Archangelic Body is part of an even larger body, but I suppose we should concentrate on our immediate sphere of responsibility.

So, in reality we’re focalizations of this angelic entity, and so is everyone else. In my consciousness, anyway, there’s a shift of emphasis on how to participate in the Archangelic Body. Often we’ve thought of a spiritual action coming through one person initially. That individual—Jesus, Buddha, Uranda, Martin Exeter, somebody—arrives on Earth and projects their spirituality into the world, and then things begin to happen. Well, that’s true. However, a different way of looking at the process, and a way that may be helpful to us now, is to see that the radiation from the archangelic Spirit is One, and that there are some channels, human forms, which are less encumbered with distortion than others, through which that radiation has easier access to shine into the earthly creative field. In other words, as individuals, we don’t have to grit our teeth, project superior spirituality, wrestle with evil, or with this, that and the other thing in the world. We’re actually an aspect of something very vast. In fact, we’re an aspect of the One Power that’s doing everything everywhere. So it’s a matter of relaxing and letting the clarity shine forth, letting the light shine into the creative field. This radiation is part of the one archangelic expression of that moment.

When we meet other people, we see that same light. We see the archangelic Spirit coming through everybody, to some extent. That familiar spirit is shining through everyone. Maybe with some it’s pretty clouded but, now and then, there it is. One of our responsibilities is to be conscious that every individual is also an aspect of the archangelic Spirit, and we encourage the expression of that. This is what is called magnifying the Lord, by the way. Magnifying the Lord is making larger the expression of the Lord wherever we encounter it, and we’re here on Earth to do this. As conscious archangelic points of focus we know this, and so we do it.

Praise and thanksgiving are usually thought of as ways of worshipping the Lord. They are also interesting modes for magnifying the Lord on Earth. There’s a scientifically practical aspect to them, also. For example, if you thank a person for something they do, they’ll be disposed to do it again. If you praise something in someone, you’ll find they’ll be encouraged to do that again. This is true of people, of animals, and appreciation of plants and objects causes them to flourish also. All aspects of the Archangelic Body love to contribute what they can to other aspects, and praise and thanksgiving are ways of communicating what is appreciated.

Now the Lord doesn’t need praise to encourage Him or Her to express divine character. Divine Being doesn’t need to be praised in order to feel, “Oh, that was nice. I’ll express my divinity even more.” But in the human network of things, I just want to show that if you do offer praise it tends to magnify the character of the Lord. I don’t think we should be ashamed to praise the Lord in each other, or in other people. I don’t mean flattery, and I don’t mean being manipulative. I mean genuine appreciation for the archangelic Spirit wherever we see it emerging. That is magnifying the Lord and that will release the Lord on Earth.

As I say, the Lord doesn’t need to be encouraged by praise. However, if we don’t express appreciation, perhaps silently within our hearts, for the expression of the Lord through anybody or anything, it’s the same as casting pearls before swine. If there’s no appreciation felt, or even silently acknowledged, by a person for the gifts of the Lord that are offered, they tend to evaporate for that person. Because the Lord is seeking to create, and you can only create where there’s openness, or response, actually. So if there’s praise and thanksgiving offered to the Lord for something or someone in one’s world, that’s creative also, because the Lord has found an avenue of open, appreciative response.

As Self-conscious points of archangelic focus in the body of mankind, one of our tasks is to magnify the presence of the Lord, because this is part of our achievement. Usually a self-centered ego thinks they have arrived on Earth to achieve something of themselves. However, part of the achievement is in encouraging others to achieve, helping others to achieve by praise and thanksgiving for their expression of the Spirit of the Lord, which is doing the achieving. The Self-conscious focalizations in the Archangelic Body are seeking to release the archangelic Spirit on Earth, and this is how it’s done: appreciation for the spirit of the Lord, whether it’s coming through people, animals, plants, objects, everything. Our achievement is not for ourselves. In fact, the archangelic view is: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” I am come that they may release their essences of Being, and therefore know the fulfillment of that. That’s why I’ve come and that is my attitude toward everybody, everything I know, because I know that the only way anybody and anything can know fulfillment is as they express the archangelic Spirit of the Lord.

To know the spirit of praise or thanksgiving, even silently within one’s heart, for blessings offered through any form on Earth—be it a person, animal, plant, or any object—is also a direct experience of worship to the Lord. Jesus once said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” “Inasmuch as ye have expressed praise and thanksgiving for blessings offered through the Archangelic Body, you have expressed those sentiments unto Me.”

The archangelic Spirit is doing everything that is real on Earth. That means, for example, that in the body of this planet, when the Archangelic Body acts in a moment, the action is simultaneous through all the parts. There’s one radiation to accomplish one purpose in the moment, and that radiation moves through the myriad forms to facilitate whatever is being achieved. So, in some parts of the outer body there may be tension; in other parts there may be relaxation. In some parts there may be the expression of gentleness; in other parts, tremendous vigor. In other words, it’s not the outer manifestation of the form that really is the description of the spirit. This is where human beings are often fooled, relative to the expression of the archangelic Spirit, because they tend to have concepts about what a focus of God, a focus of Spirit, would look like. Maybe he would always be gentle, smiling benignly, always stroking children tenderly on the head! Whereas we know very well that the expression of love can be a swift kick in the pants. Or, “A spiritual leader is always decisive. He’s in a situation and Bang!—he knows exactly what to do next and does it.” Well I would suggest in many situations there are various factors coming to focus, where it may be rather uncertain what to do right now, or perhaps all the factors haven’t come to focus where action is possible. One has to wait. One can see half the picture but there are other things one knows are missing, so nothing can be done. People may look and say, “What a ditherer—hardly an expression of the Archangelic Body!” But it could well be!

I could rehearse a lot of images that would be unattractive to the human concept of spirituality. Jesus was viewed very disparagingly at times. His disciples thought He was very self-indulgent, for one thing. Remember when He let Mary put ointment on His feet? “Self-indulgence” was one opinion. There were opinions that He didn’t care much for the sick: “He was late arriving for Lazarus, who was sick, and so He obviously didn’t care about the sick as much as He should, if He was divine.” Then: “He wasn’t worried enough about feeding the poor. He did a bit now and then but, as far as the money goes, He’d rather have it spent on ointment for Himself than feeding all these poor people, so He didn’t have enough compassion for the poor, the starving masses.” And then others, of course, thought He was a blasphemer and the devil’s servant. So there you are, and people have had critical views of Uranda and Martin. Well, offering something absolutely, I’d say such critics are fundamentally clueless—clueless as to what was present, of what was being undertaken in the body and consciousness of mankind, and clueless as to some of the factors that had to be weighed and worked with.

So in our own expression of the archangelic Spirit, let’s not misjudge our own expression of that, either. Now this is not to say that we should dither around in the human sense, or that we should be harsh in a human sense, or sweet in a human sense. This consideration isn’t latitude for any old human behavior. We’re talking about something that is the pure expression of the Tone in the moment because the absolute spirit is given expression, relative to the circumstance of that very moment. If the absolute spirit just shone forth, regardless of the situation, it would just burn it up and blow it away. Absolute creativity in these levels of substance in which we dwell requires that the absolute power be expressed perfectly, relative to the exact circumstances in which we find ourselves, to assist the overall creative process of which we are a part. Absolute creativity is action absolutely relative to the exact circumstance of the moment.

How exciting is this responsibility, to seek to express the pure Spirit of the Archangel in every moment, to our highest ability now. Hope- fully that ability will increase, our expression will become more competent. And as we do this moment by moment, then, not our personal voice in a self-centered way, but the archangelic Voice will be increasingly heard in the temple of the body of mankind. We have to start where we are, and eternally continue where we are.

© archangelicbody.org

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