November 22, 2016

Fierce  Focus

Clear  Sky — Open  Heaven — Holy  Earth

November 9, 2016 

This is a day to let the Voice of authenticity ring out clearly. This is a day to sing out loud, to sound poems of stirring rhythm and harmony in melancholy and in joy — to and for each other, as we stand within the open sky of our eternal Cosmic Home.

This is a day to rejoice in all that is glorious and free in ourselves and in our visions for the future of humans becoming authentic Human Beings within this Whole World — joining with the community of All Beings who compose the Symphony of Glory within Planet Earth, within this Solar Family. Together, we do the messy, mop-up work required as an old way passes and a new way emerges. These are the dying days of an old order and the dawning days of a New Order of Cosmic and Planetary Being.

We have the hard work and the joy of ushering-out the old and birthing what is now crowning — now at hand. We have been watching for, working toward, waiting for, creating this New Day over the whole of our lives. Here we are now, all of us together, with this degree of knowing that all is well. How perfect — this moment of opportunity for a new and Fierce Focus of the Great Work to which our lives have been given over the long and wondrous, creative years of this Incarnation. Many are called but few are chosen to know, and know that they know — I know.

My heart sings in sorrow, and in thanksgiving — but mostly in thankfulness for another day of radiant life and service on this Holy Earth, in what remains of this current Incarnation.


1 comment:

Lucille said...

A most beautiful expression in words coming forth through you, David. All that you wrote here is most precious and powerful. Truly "We have the hard work of ushering-out the old and birthing now what is now crowning - now at hand." Also, "Many are called but few are chosen to know, and know that they know---I know." Yes, so thankful I am to know and know that I know. Thank you for letting the Voice of authenticity ring out clearly through you, David, and sharing it with all of us---with you and many more, I am here to let the Voice of authenticity ring out clearly through me as well. Every day is a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving! Praise be to God.