July 24, 2015


Secrets  of  the  Feet

When God first created man He brought to focus in the physical organism the highest wonder on earth in design and function, providing capacities essential to the fulness of life in the revelation of Deity. All the parts in their intricate designs were correlated, brought under a central pattern of control, so that life might continue indefinitely to manifest in this realm. In that original realm there were beautiful gardens, lovely grass, flowers. The soft earth did not have the hard and jagged edges that we find in evidence now, and man was created to go barefooted. He was never intended to wear shoes.

The conditions that developed made it necessary for man to find some kind of protection against the hard earth, the pebbles, the rocks, the various things that might produce injury. But in the beginning, when man first began to walk in the garden, the earth was such that it made a pleasant sensation to the feet. And walking, stepping on little bunches of grass and the gentle irregularities, man constantly, in moving, provided a natural process of massage, or pressure and relaxation, for the soles of his feet. Recognizing these conditions into which He intended to place man, God did something that was very considerate and wonderful.

There are natural healing processes which go on in the body at all times under normal conditions, processes of restoration in various ways, renewing. During periods of sleep there is a cleansing away of the toxic conditions that have been developed and a renewing of tissues, so that the body may be prepared for the activity of a new day. There are two primary functions in the body in an overall sense: the processes of assimilation, which are primary during the day, and the processes of elimination, which are primary during the night. I am not thinking of it just from the standpoint of the final elimination of poisons from the body but the processes of elimination from the tissues through the bloodstream, so that they may be given final expulsion early in the morning. And then the processes of assimilation begin.

If the eliminative processes are not complete the toxins and poisons, refuse matter, tend to be reabsorbed into the body and there we begin to have very often the initial steps in the breakdown of health. Gradually reabsorption of substance that should have been fully eliminated tends to interfere with digestive processes, tends to interfere with normal feeding of the cellular structures of the body, and there begins to be an abnormal pattern of weariness. All of this natural rebuilding and function was provided for in the body itself, but God recognized that there should be some means by which special stimulation could be given, if there was any particular need for it, to the various organs and parts of the body, something that would be worked out in the natural process of things. And so to supplement all of this wonderful mechanism of restoring, rebuilding and healing, He provided reflex points in the feet, connecting with every organ of the body. There are such reflex points in the hands also, not as clearly distinguishable, but definitely present from the standpoint of the general pattern of the body as a whole; and the points in the hands and the feet correlate. You may have noted that sometime in the past for some unexplained reason, tender places feeling almost as if there had been a bruise started to develop somewhere in the palm of the hand or in the sole of the foot, something that could not under any ordinary circumstances be accounted for. That bruise was from the inside, because of conditions developing in the physical organism as a whole.

The feet were designed to be secondary organs of elimination—the large pores in the soles of the feet. When we are standing, moving about through the day, the pressure of the blood in the body is accentuated in the lower extremities and a process of elimination through perspiration or sweat is normal and natural, and if you do not wash your feet for a week or two you will notice that there begins to be an accumulation of a sort of crusty material on the bottom of the feet, substance that has been eliminated as refuse from the body. One can smell a person's feet—sometimes one does not have to get too close—and have a very clear idea as to whether or not digestive processes are working properly, the body is functioning in a normal healthy condition, for even though there is a certain amount of natural elimination from the body, the normal process, it is not, well, repulsive; it is not unpleasant.

In the normal processes as God designed man, there was walking in the dewy grass early in the morning, which allowed the magnetic currents of the earth, which were perfectly in tune at that time, to function in and through the physical organism of man. Man did not insulate himself from the earth but he had two particularized poles extending from his creative field which gave him contact with the earth: The positive and negative poles of his contact with the physical earth itself, his two feet. And as he walked about in the grass, even if it were a little dry in the middle of the day, there was the removal of the substance which tends nowadays to accumulate a bit on the feet, the natural cleansing externally, and there was constantly a natural, gentle massage on all those points which gave natural stimulation to the various organs of the body.

You will find that there are contact points relating to every part of the body, all the endocrine glands, all of the different primary functions, particularly, in all the organs. There are points on the feet that relate to the sinuses, for instance, and so on. If these reflex points in the feet are not properly manipulated because we go around with shoes on that carefully protect our feet from any real massage from walking, and we avoid any contact with the earth because we carefully insulate our feet from the earth, we allow those points that should be more or less in action to reach a state where they are never activated. We walk as little as possible, ride as much as possible; we do various things to avoid any possibility of letting the natural process clear the stagnation that develops in relationship to these particular points. It really covers the entire area of the soles of the feet and extends up on the side of the feet somewhat, up on the ankle.

In any case, we avoid any possible relaxation of those points. We let them get into a state of tension. We do not activate them, and instead of this material that should be carried clear out through the soles of the feet getting out, we have our feet bound up and so interfere with that process. It tends to settle inside at these reflex points—a sort of crystalline substance, crystals that develop little sharp points, and there are tender places that result because of the irritation. Sometimes these tender places show up in the palms of the hands. And so these substances that should have been eliminated by natural processes tend to come into a state of congestion, crystal form, in the soles of the feet. Tender places develop and, instead of having a soft, pliable reflex point that is giving normal, natural stimulation and corrective influence to the various organs of the body, we have a half-dead point.

People begin to die usually from the feet up, and then finally, after their feet are pretty dead, they start dying along the spine; death starts creeping up the spine. When it reaches a point not too far from the ears they leave us. If your feet are unhappy and uncomfortable, you are unhappy and uncomfortable all over. Why? Because there is a correlating point in your foot to every organ of your body, every part—to the brain, to all the endocrine glands, to the lungs, to the heart the liver, etc. You can reach any part of the body through the feet, and you can do it if you have to even without touching the feet. If you will give close attention to these things, you can learn where the various parts of the foot correlate with the various parts of the body. It is possible to relax tensions and allow the normal processes of restoration to get under way, the healing power of God through the feet, and we need to understand the principles involved—but you can do it without knowing just what point belongs where.

We can see how in the original design of man, the original state of the earth, this was one of the provisions of God by which physical life might be extended over indefinite periods of time in one physical body. This was not at all unusual for the physical body of man, to live for, well, over two or three thousand years. And then of course there was ascension. The body changes continued on, some of the substance ascending, some of it being cast out as refuse, more or less the same principle that we have now, not as aggravated, but it was there. But the same form in that ideal state could continue indefinitely, and a man or a woman two or three thousand years old was nothing unusual. And how did they look? They looked like mature, you might say, early middle-aged human beings who had their full vigor, full health, full capacity. They were not carrying around the ordinary evidences of age as we think of it in the world today. They were handsome or beautiful, as the case might be, and full of life and vigor.

So this was a part of the divine provision whereby the body might maintain health and strength indefinitely. Human beings are not inclined to do very much about it. Why is walking good exercise? Of course it stimulates, more or less, the circulation through the whole body, and you can recognize certain obvious possibilities. But the walking that we should do is not generally indulged in even by walking enthusiasts: to get the shoes off and walk on the earth, to walk in the grass, or maybe a little bit in the mud, to begin to massage the soles of the feet, to let the natural cleansing processes take place.

Uranda   July 6, 1953

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