May 13, 2020

Jeju  Council  2020

May 18 - 19 Korea time   May 17 - 18  NA time

At the Threshold of a Transforming Period for Humanity

When we initiated the development of Jeju Council 2020 last year, we emphasized that we live in a time when the energies of a spiritual whirlwind are gathering momentum, drawing human beings toward a critical juncture, and that the old ways of functioning cannot continue very much longer. Since last January, our sense of urgency has been confirmed and experienced by everyone in the world, coming much faster than many of us might have expected, and we naturally accept this situation in sensible and matter of fact ways. However, the whole world is addressing the unexpected and challenging situation brought by the Corvid 19 pandemic, and it leaves many people bewildered about how to handle the situation personally. Everyday life no longer moves along as usual—social distancing changes all our conventional routines, and economic shock and social transformation are inescapable. The world is not the same as it was just four months ago. In light of this immediate, world-wide transformation, what would be the purpose, the meaning, and the role of Jeju Council 2020 in the midst of this situation? 

A few months ago we suggested that humanity seems to be approaching the edge of a cliff, a point of no return, where we have two options: either take flight or fall off a cliff. We emphasized a choice: whether we will move together in a whirlwind of ascension, or choose a downward spiral? Human beings are now facing the fact that we cannot go on, existing within the old paradigm. New options are available in this situation, and we see the likelihood of even greater challenges and changes in days to come? Creative opportunities are hidden within all crises that arise—so, we will explore how the current crisis provides an opportunity for human beings to let go of the old and move in new creative and innovative ways?

From the still point at the heart of Being the invitation is extended—even in this critical moment—and we may share a heightened awareness that it is now or never. So, let us come together in one spirit, with one heart and one mind, as one body of people gathered in the calm center. There is a great need for the development of a mature vibrational body, and a space of love and safety, contained and sustained by people who gather in a communion of friendship, in humility, free from self-centered ego attachments—learning from each other and extending the spirits of love and light and forgiveness into the troubled dreamtime of sleeping humanity. Who will be drawn into the eye of the whirlwind, to help initiate new ways of living, letting spiritual wings open wide and soar high in the rising currents, listening together, and letting Spirit speak at this critical juncture?

Jeju Council—the I that is We—is drawn into formation to creatively engage this current challenging situation, with the awareness that even greater transformations lie ahead of us. Since we cannot gather in person we will come together in cyber space, drawing those are moving together in the rising currents of a spiritual whirlwind, to address many questions and explore what it means to provide some of the answers, and be the answers in daily living.

Jeju Council 2020 will draw together about 25 spiritual leaders from around the world. We will gather on-line, using Skype and Zoom and other teleconference technologies, to share two days together, in order to:

— deepen friendship among spiritual leaders, and those who are close with them; learning to function and create together in a new cycle of opportunity that now opens for humanity, preparing the way for a transformed future;

— share transformed and illumined consciousness, letting divine wisdom be revealed through deep listening, attunement, prayer, meditation, and open-hearted dialogue, communing-with and learning-from each other;

— have one day open sessions with public;

— document our collective wisdom, creating an electronic and hard-copy library that reveals our consciousness of One World, One Heart, One Mind, One Humanity—shared in the form of transcribed words, audio and video materials, and other formats;

— consider Jeju Council as an annual event, bringing together a balanced spectrum of world spiritual leaders, in person when world circumstances allow us to travel and be together directly, and on-line through teleconferencing whenever necessary.

Jae Hyoung Lee  and  Duk Hee Kang

Jeju Island, South Korea

May 06, 2020

Stjepan Hauser


Ave Maria

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

May 03, 2020

Wings  Folding  Up

Robert  Bly

The cucumbers are thirsty, their big leaves turn away from the wind. I water them after supper; the hose lies curled near the rhubarb. The wind sound blows through the head; a smile appears on the sitter's face as he sits down under a tree. What can be comforted in us words help, the sunken islands speak to us…

Is this world animal or vegetable? Others love us, the cabbages love the earth, the earth is fond of the heavens—a new age comes close through the dark, an elephant’s trunk waves in the darkness, so much is passing away, so many disciplines already gone, but the energy in the double flower does not falter, the wings fold up around the sitting man’s face. And these cucumber leaves are my body, and my thighs, and toes stretched out in the wind… Well, waterer, how will you get through this night without water?