When we are identified at the
physical or mental level and feel our accomplishments are at those levels,
those accomplishments eventually disappear. They are temporal. If somebody had
built this beautiful building singlehandedly and felt that was an accomplishment
(which it certainly would have been), that’s wonderful. It has its place in the
cosmic cycles, but it’s temporary. If we could come back here in five hundred
years’ time, make it a thousand, this building won’t be here. So it’s a sad
thing if one felt one’s mission in the eternal cycles of Being was to build
this building, because in a thousand years it will be forgotten. Nobody will
ever know it existed. And that applies to virtually everything we do in the
external sense. It passes, tout suite!
Vibrational patterns are also
emerging, dissolving, eternally changing. So we mustn’t imagine that those
levels are long lasting either. If one acts at the spiritual level, this is above
the vibrational level. As Identity comes into the truth of Being and we act
from that Character and that nature, that is an eternal
action. It is an act in the undimensional levels of Being. It has its
emergence into the dimensional levels and is part of the Life of Eternal
Being. It is an act of eternal Love. Its effect never passes away. The
truth of Love always was, long before this galaxy existed, and will remain long
after this galaxy is dissolved and something else has emerged.
Let’s bring it to focus with
the One who focuses this world. Every act of Love is an act of Love to Him, and
that is eternally known by we who give it and by Him who receives it. Our minds
may forget every act of Love one to another, Angel to Angel, but such actions
are part of the eternal experience of Being and their effects will never pass
away. We may sense, here, movement into
a level of Eternal Being where, although we will likely never remember the
incidents of communion with different Angels, if ever we could it would be