December 12, 2016
December 05, 2016
Power of the Individual
Alan Hammond November 19, 2000
As the creative cycle moves on, it is useful if our conscious paradigm of life changes so that we can be more effective in the evolving situation. One of the most important subjects that we could consider is consciousness itself. This mysterious creation is where we experience life. No one has ever seen it, but everything we think, feel, and observe all comes to focus in our conscious minds. The consciousness is a wonderful part of the divine technology, so it is useful to have a closer look at it.
The current western paradigm that we have about consciousness suggests that there are three basic levels. There's the conscious level of mind in which we have all our experiences. Then there's the range which is subconscious, and in this range there are various mechanisms which we know something about. For example all the physical body's processes are governed by intelligence which is unconscious to the conscious mind, but this level of mind is controlling such processes as digestion, body chemistry and so on. The subconscious mind allows one to drive hundreds of miles without giving it a conscious thought. There are also other mechanisms to which I'll just allude—telepathy for example, where we have evidence of being psychically connected with other people. Then there's the aspect of the subconscious mind which is involved with the radiation from a person, which interacts with their environment beyond their conscious perception. This is responsible for drawing certain things or people towards them and repelling others. These are just a few examples of the subconscious mind at work. Then there's the supraconsciousness which we conceive to be the level of mind which connects the undimensional levels of Being with our conscious minds. Through this level of mind we are connected with what Spirit is doing in the undimensional levels of Being, and so our part in the outworking processes of life may be coordinated in what is happening in the Whole. So here is a commonly held paradigm relative to consciousness.
Each individual is a focus point in these three levels of mind. In other words each conscious mind is a focus point in the middle band of vibrational substance in which conscious minds are operational. This spreads throughout the body of mankind so it's quite a large band. It's the same with the subconscious level of mind. Each of us is a focus point in that band of vibrational substance: and likewise with the supraconsciousness. So each of us is a point of focus in these three bands of consciousness. Now this is a very general concept and there are probably other levels of substance and consciousness of which at the moment we know nothing.
Our interest is how to function effectively utilizing this triune mechanism even though we are confined in consciousness to the middle band of substance. How do we engage with the subconscious and the supraconscious and let them be coordinated at the conscious level where we do all our thinking? The key to this relates to what we've called feelings. Living in the conscious level we are aware of many feelings that come from the subconscious levels. We have many connections into the body of mankind, to the planet itself and to many of the processes therein. We have all sorts of feelings which come along those connective lines. Some of them are jangled, vague, uncomfortable; some of them are quite pleasant. We also have feeling connections with the supraconsciousness and these relate more predominantly to such feelings as joy, the ecstatic state, and the adventure of living. Fundamentally our responsibility is to establish in the conscious level a focus of the sense of Identity, which is the divine Self, the divine character, and then to creatively interact with the vibratory patterns represented by the feelings which emerge through the subconscious levels of mind.
One might say that our overall purpose for being alive on Earth is to re-create the experience of heaven in the conscious level of mind so that this becomes the conscious experience. The starting point for this creative accomplishment is to establish in the conscious mind an awareness of true Identity—who I am. I am actually in the undimensional levels of Being as well as having a human body. To bring this awareness out of the undimensional levels and establish it in the conscious levels of substance is the starting point for one's expanded creative activity in the consciousness of mankind, of which one is an integral part. This is so important because if you have a focus point within this conscious band of substance, the radiation coming through that instrument from the supraconscious can have rather dramatic effects in the common band of conscious mind substance. It's rather like when a particular note is bowed on a violin and if there are other violins around, they will all start resonating to that bowed tone. There are even more dramatic examples in the field of chemistry. If one spot of chemical is dropped into certain solutions the whole solution changes instantly. Well so is it with this process of transforming the vibrational bands of consciousness in the body of mankind.
I want to leave that line of thought for a moment and tell you about a television program I saw yesterday. A speaker was addressing some government officials in Washington, D.C., the subject was: factors in the changing world. He was pointing out that twenty years ago the major power centers in the world were nations. He said that over the last twenty years since the expansion of the Internet, some rather radical changes have taken place and today he could identify three major power centers now operational in the global processes. One was still national. But the second one, which was becoming increasingly significant largely because of electronic technologies, was the global commercial conglomerates which were transcending national boundaries and policies and beginning to control much of the movement of financial capital regardless of what the nations felt about it. Their resources were often far in excess of many national budgets.
The third emerging power center related to the individual and he gave three examples. One was Osama bin Laden, the Islamic activist who, by utilizing the Internet is able to mastermind international guerilla warfare against the United States. Here is an interesting example of the emerging power of an individual. Another example was the two Philippino students who, from their home, created and issued their computer virus, which disrupted the business of several large American corporations, causing tens of billions of dollars of damage. And one last example was a lady who utilized the Internet for more apparently creative endeavors. She contacted and organized several hundred international, non-government organizations to neutralize land mines in various countries. This enterprise transcended and even went against various governments' policies. She was very successful and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
These are examples of individuals who have had considerable impact on the global experience and with technology developing exponentially such incidents will undoubtedly increase. We could look at the current American election process and it might well be that it could come down to the decision of just one person, a judge perhaps, who will change the history of the world (at a certain level) by whatever he or she decides.
Human experience and technology invariably reflects in a distorted way what is happening at the spiritual level. And in the human world we see an exponential rise in the power of the individual. This relates to what I was saying earlier about correctly utilizing the divine technology, which is obviously far superior to any human derivation thereof. The changing paradigm to which I referred in the beginning is, that although we have for years emphasized the significance of the individual, the creative processes themselves are beginning to bring this truth much more vividly to consciousness. We are considering it, so presumably we have some responsibility in it. We can either accept that responsibility and take it seriously, or to us it's just another theory, which might indicate we don't have enough substance to appreciate the situation we're in.
Many people consider their lives to be involved with external things, people, and situations of various kinds, but if we consider it, the real meat of life relates to thinking and feeling. No matter what goes on externally, in the end we have to deal with it all in our own consciousness. Here is where the work is done. What is the work? The work is to let all feelings and thoughts be attuned to and governed by the feelings emerging out of the supraconsciousness, which are caused by the lines of force radiating from the undimensional levels of Being into the finest levels of substance in the human mechanism. These feelings of honor, nobility, beauty and the like, can dissipate the feelings which may arise from “below” we say.
In days of yore, in the Bible for example, people were often told to deal with their feelings in certain ways. Sometimes this advice was offered in a negative way, it was presented thus because the negative feelings were uppermost in peoples' experience—for example, Let not your heart be troubled. Let not your feelings be troubled—don't let them dominate your experience. But that's a bit difficult to do in a sense. It's rather like saying “Don't think of a white elephant!” It's almost impossible not to think of the white elephant. It is easier to banish the elephant from consciousness if it is suggested to the person that they think of a beautiful peacock instead. Thus it is really more helpful to say “Express nobility, magnanimity, spaciousness, and love the opportunity of the moment,” rather than “Let not your heart be troubled.” In this way we exercise control in our consciousness.
In the human Internet nobody's in charge. It's an interesting situation. In the “Internet” of the Archangelic Body on Earth, what is needed is a conscious focus of government relative to feelings—and ultimately, government of feelings would result in government of everything else. People often get confused when they discuss control of feelings. For example, I've been suggesting that one assert the divine qualities of character no matter what one is feeling. But “Oh,” some would say, “we mustn't deny our feelings”—our feelings of resentment perhaps. Well we don't deny that we have such feelings, so we're not denying them, but we do deny them the power to control us. We do deny them that, and we assert the creative expression of true character.
From the divine standpoint everything is absolutely under control. It has never been anything else. It is only in the very narrow band of consciousness in which human beings have resided that things seem to be out of control. If, in our conscious experience, there seem to be incomplete, unwholesome experiences, the answer is very simple. It is to intensify the radiation of the heavenly character at the level where the unsatisfactory experience meets who I Am. So we assert our Presence more fully in this level of substance and that produces an increased conscious experience of our character, which is heavenly.
So this is our conscious purpose and it is exciting to let the creative cycle move on and to play our parts moment by moment, knowing our character and being true to that. Simple. We've heard this virtually all our lives now, that this is what is required. The difference today is that we can more consciously see the potential effect this individual function has in the creative cycle, and there's plenty of evidence appearing in the world all around us. As individuals we have an integral part to play in the divine machinery exactly where we are. And what else is there to do? Well nothing. This is exactly why we're here, and we're doing it!
November 09, 2016
from Hanta Yo by Ruth Beebe Hill
I Stand At The Center
I stand at the center
and the light shines all around me
and now I know my spirit glowing makes this light.
I come into power with the sun for I am the sun.
I am my own light.
Here at the center I see the meaning of things, all things.
And now I know that I am the meaning.
The whole meaning.
The four directions come together in me.
I am the center
and everything flows from me, returns to me.
I am that which they call Great Mystery.
I am that which each one calls Wakantanka before coming here,
before seeing the light.
I am here and so I know.
Here I know everything.
Here I know myself.
I am thought and will.
And nothing sits above my will.
I am pride and joy.
And nothing sits above my joy.
I own my life.
And only mine.
And so I shall appreciate my person.
And so I shall make proper use of myself.
I stand here in the light of my own presence
and I recognize my power.
I am reason.
And nothing sits above my choice.
I am truth.
And so I live in the spirit.
And so I live forever.
I am the oneness of the whole.
And whatever happens, happens in me.
I am Ahbleza.
I own the earth.
November 04, 2016
The Robe
Lloyd C. Douglas
an excerpt
They were on the way from Cana to Capernaum. All day their narrow road had been gaining altitude, not without occasional dips into shallow valleys, but tending upwards toward a lofty plateau where the olive-green terrain met an azure sky set with masses of motionless white clouds.
It had been a fatiguing journey, with many pauses for rest, and as the shadows slanted farther to the east, the two men trudged the steepening track in silence, leaving the little pack-train far behind. They were nearing the top now. Justus had promised that they would make camp in the lee of the great rock they had sighted two hours ago. There was a cool spring, he said, and plenty of forage. He hoped they would find the spot untenanted. Yes, he knew the place well. He had camped there many times. There was a splendid view. Jesus had loved it.
Throughout this tour of Galilee, Marcellus had paid very little attention to the physical characteristics of the province. Until now the landscape had been unremarkable, and he had been fully preoccupied by the strange business that had brought him here. Marcellus had but one interest in this otherwise undistinguished land of rock-strewn fields, tiny vineyards, and apathetic villages drowsing in the dust around an ancient well. He was concerned only about a mysterious man who had walked these winding roads, a little while ago, with crowds of thousands surging about him.
It was not easy to-day, on this sleepy old highway, to picture either the number or the temper of that multitude. The people must have come from long distances, most of them, for this country was not thickly populated. Nor was it easy to imagine the confusion, the jostling, the shouting. Such Galileans as Marcellus had seen were not emotional, not responsive; rather stolid, indeed.
That weary, weather-beaten woman, leaning on her hoe, in the frowsy little garden they had just passed—had she, too, bounded out of her kitchen, leaving their noonday pottage on the fire, to join in that curious throng? This bearded man in the meadows—her husband, obviously; now sluggishly mowing wisps of grass with his great-grandfather's scythe—had he run panting to the edge of the crowd, trying to scramble through the sweating pack for a glimpse of the face of Jesus? It was almost incredible that this silent, solemn, stodgy province could ever have been haled out of its age-long lethargy and stirred to such a pitch of excitement.
Even Justus, looking back upon it all, could only shake his shaggy head and mutter that the whole affair was quite beyond comprehension. You could think what you liked about the miracles, reflected Justus, soberly: many of the people were hysterical and had reported all manner of strange occurrences, some of which had never been satisfactorily confirmed. The air had been full of wild rumours, Justus said. A few Nazarenes had been quoted as remembering that when Jesus was a lad, at play with them, he had fashioned birds of clay, and the birds had come to life and had flown away. You could hear such tales by the score, and they had confused the public's estimate of Jesus, making him seem a mountebank in the opinion of many intelligent people.
But these passionate throngs of thousands who followed, day after day, indifferent to their hunger and discomfort—all Galilee knew that this was true because all Galilee had participated. You might have good reasons for doubting the validity of some of these miracle stories, but you couldn't doubt this one! Obscure little Galilee, so slow and stupid that its bucolic habits and uncouth dialect were stock jokes in Judea, had suddenly come alive! Its dull work was abandoned. Everybody talking at once! Everybody shouting questions which nobody tried to answer! Camels were left standing in their harness, hitched to water-wheels. Shuttles were left, midway of the open warp. Tools lay scattered on the floor of the carpenter shop. Ploughs stopped in the furrow. Fires burned out in the brick-kiln. Everybody took to the road, on foot, on donkeys, on carts, on crutches. Helpless invalids who couldn't be left were bundled up on stretchers and carried along. Nothing mattered but to follow the young man who looked into your eyes and made you well—or ashamed—or tightened your throat with longing for his calm strength and flower-like purity.
Now the bright light had gone out. The great crowds had scattered. The inspired young man was dead. Galilee had gone back to sleep. It was a lonely land. Perhaps the Galileans themselves were now conscious of its loneliness, after having briefly experienced this unprecedented activity.
Lloyd C. Douglas
The Robe was published in 1942. It is a sweeping, visionary, historical novel about the crucifixion of Jesus — written by Lloyd. C. Douglas. It was one of the best-selling titles of the 1940’s, and was released as a movie, starring Richard Burton, in 1953. Lloyd C. Douglas began his literary career after leaving the ministry at the age of 52. All of his novels drew from his spiritual background for thematic inspiration.
You can read the book on-line at Project Gutenberg
First published by Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston,
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